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Author Archives: Nell
The Wild Rose Dilemma
Wild Roses in Bloom
Those abundant briars
Thick as rope branches
Growing everywhere
But every June
They flower
The yard smells beautiful
Protected: Garden Pictures June 2023
Happy Spring Equinox, Everyone!!
And no, New England does not look like this in March. 😊 But the birds have been singing mightily for the last month and warmth and flowers will come!
Books! Really shiny, happy, pretty books…
Here’s the backstory:
Every January, the Electronic Village Online (EVO) http://evosessions.org/ offers free professional development courses. They are always good and this year, I took one that was amazing.
It was called Immersive Storytelling in Virtual Worlds.
By the end of the class, each small group had created a comic book/graphic novel. That’s the link above.
I was a complete neo to virtual worlds (and yes, I see the Matrix movie puns just waiting to leap out there). It was so much fun, the teachers were so welcoming – it was well worth the learning curve. Most of the mistakes I made were pretty humorous. 🙂 I’m a total convert now.
Plus, I got to play with words….lots of words…probably too many words
Sorry about that, editor of our book
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🌌 🌈
Woo! We have emojis!
Thank you for reading 🙂