Books!  Really shiny, happy, pretty books…

Here’s the backstory:

Every January, the Electronic Village Online (EVO) offers free professional development courses.  They are always good and this year, I took one that was amazing.

It was called Immersive Storytelling in Virtual Worlds.

By the end of the class, each small group had created a comic book/graphic novel.  That’s the link above.

I was a complete neo to virtual worlds (and yes, I see the Matrix movie puns just waiting to leap out there).  It was so much fun, the teachers were so welcoming – it was well worth the learning curve.  Most of the mistakes I made were pretty humorous.  🙂 I’m a total convert now.

Plus, I got to play with words….lots of words…probably too many words

Sorry about that, editor of our book



Trying to capture the colors of an autumn sunrise

Even playing with the Pro settings on my phone, I find it difficult to capture the colors my eyes see. The sunrise was beautiful, though.