Microblogvember has reinforced how much I love playing with words and also how very enjoyable it is to see others do the same. Posting this quickly in case we lose power (big storm :o), reinforcing that Nature rules the roost. #mbnov
It’s not pedestrian to be a pedestrian. 🙂 So, in tribute to all hoofers, I give you Kermit: Happy Feet
Also just found out that there is a Muppet Wiki. Oh joy. #mbnov
Today’s prompt word inspired an internet hunt. Found what looks like a very cool museum. 🙂 https://www.maskmuseum.org/home/
It was a dark night, of desperados, dastardly deeds and deadly dilemmas..
A weird but nice effect of adjusting to the pandemic has been that we ‘see’ extended family via videochat much more that we used to see each other in person. #mbnov
I gave my brain a call. Got an ‘on vacation’ message in return. I hope it enjoys itself but it will be nice to have it back sometime. 🙂 #mbnov
The word provision seems apt for Thanksgiving. #mbnov
How to capture that moment of inspiration, the chance for good conversation? Moments, like moths, tend to flutter away. #mbnov
Some of my favorite authors see borders as a place of magical fluidity and possibility.
At the crossroads of three state borders, in a town once within the borders of a neighboring state, and in a Heritage Corridor, that, following the rivers, transcends state borders – yes. #mbnov
We may have another unwintery winter this year. 🙁
So, posting a couple (more) pictures from our (nearly) Halloween snowstorm #mbnov